From the Heavens Above Come Wonderful Gifts...
welcome to hungers' heavenly pups
You won't find a puppy mill here!

Specializing in breeding healthy, happy and affectionate mini Bernedoodles and micro Cavapoos.

Mini and Micro Bernadoodles
A Miniature F2 Bernedoodle is a cross between the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Miniature Poodle. A Micro Bernedoodle is a cross between Mini Bernedoodle and Mini Poodle.

estimated sizes
Mini Bernedoodle: 30 to 55 pounds full grown. Micro Bernedoodle: 20 to 40 pounds full grown.
Fun Facts
Bernedoodles are happy, loyal, energetic and very social dogs.
Grooming: Moderate maintenance (weekly brushing with low to no shedding depending on hair type)
Temperament: Great companion for anyone! They're people dogs!
Activity Requirements: Moderate - they easily adapt to your lifestyle.

Micro (Toy) Cavapoos
A Cavapoo is a cross between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle dog breeds.

estimated sizes
Micro Cavapoos: 8 to 12 pounds full grown
Fun Facts
A lap dog who can keep up fully with the big dogs.
Purpose: Companion dogs, agile dogs that do well with people that have allergies.
Grooming: Moderate maintenance (weekly brushing with low to no shedding depending on hair type)
Temperament: Great companion for anyone! They're people dogs!
Activity Requirements: Active little dog but their needs can be met by indoor play.

Hungers' Heavenly Pups